
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Black Widow Peak.

There was a young girl whom lived in NZ
With her dad and real mum,
She also had a stepmom from South Africa whom she had asked to be her mum when she was three years old after her real mum and dad had a divorce. She was a baby when that happened,
Her name was Alyssa but…her hero name was Black Widow Peak but her hero  nickname is Blue Widow,
Her powers include being good at games and online tech, flying, spider like powers, switch DNA, squeezing through small spaces, X-ray vision and invulnerability.
Her weakness is family and friends if they are hurt or in danger.

By Alyssa

Friday, September 6, 2019

Fixed Nursery Rimes

sorry but if you want to read this you will have to go to the side and scroll down if you want to see the picture go to the bottom and scroll sideways sorry for any inconvenience.